Saturday, April 2, 2011

I came once

there was a young man standing by the window and
beige curtains

and another one knelling 

and another one all dressed in denim
with a belt round his bare waste

and the woman standing on a little pond 
rapped in towel

she was smiling
I could smell chlorine on her 

there were seagulls on wallpaper

half hidden behind some drapes
he told me to have a seat

give me a minute
he said

play with a dog
he said

I can’t
I said
I am afraid of dogs

woman laughed
men smiled
dog was breathing

a man was holding a swaying tennis racquet 
a woman giggled
a man lapsed into a melancholy monologue

and another one stretched out on an air bed
with gel in his hair
and a comb in his hand

(I thought of Helga
barging into the room
swearing and wetting herself ) 

there was a girl sipping a carbonated drink
on a very hot summer day
she made strange sounds with her straw and the rest
of the drink

on a little white round pedestal
a sailor suit was resting

furniture was flowery and dusty
air was powdery

he waved at me
I waved at him

he asked something just by
moving his lips

I said
I can’t hear you

I was yelling